
Opportunities in the Top End – ODIS

Australian businesses will have the chance to learn more about becoming a Defence provider when the Office of Defence Industry Support (ODIS) Forum heads to Darwin on October 17.

ODIS Forums allow small to medium businesses (SMEs) to hear from key defence industry personnel on how they can deliver capability that equips and sustains the ADF.

The day will consist of key presentations from the newly established Guided Weapons and Explosive Ordnance Enterprise and the Australian Submarine Agency.

Regional Maintenance Centre North and Indigenous Procurement Policy representatives will also outline opportunities and updates in the Top End.

SMEs will get the chance to meet with government representatives and key stakeholders, participate in a business-to-business networking session and attend sessions with an ODIS Defence industry adviser.

Francesca Rush, Capability, Acquisition and Sustainment Group’s First Assistant Secretary Industry Capability and Chief Counsel Commercial, said the forums are an invaluable opportunity for businesses.

“Businesses can network with senior Defence and industry representatives and receive advice, guidance and mentoring services from ODIS Defence industry advisers,” she said.

“ODIS forums provide awareness to best ready your business for entry and expansion into the Defence marketplace.”

Places are limited so register now or contact us at for more information.

Defence image The Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Melissa Price MP, officially launched the Office of Defence Industry Support (ODIS) in Brindabella Business Park, Canberra.

Public Media Release

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